Details finland 1999
  • Finland (1999 » 2025)
  • ISSUE DATE : 01-01-1999
  • DESIGNER : Raimo Heino
  • DIAMETER : 25,75mm
  • WEIGHT : 8,5 grams
  • Back to country

The fruit and leaves of the cloudberry

Edited by tiko165
02-09-2016 the 15:57

Virtually unknown outside northern Europe, the cloudberry is Finland’s favourite fruit. The tiny, orange-gold bubbles, growing one fruit to a plant, emerge in July and remain ripe for only three weeks of the year.

Cloudberries grow well off the beaten path in marshes and wet meadows, and are especially abundant in the wetlands of Lapland in Finland's far north. The start of cloudberry season is a cue for Finns to put everyday chores on hold and get picking. Every year, the small town of Ranua on the southern border of Lapland becomes the capital of the cloudberry, hosting Lapland’s annual Cloudberry Market where more than 300 cloudberry vendors bring their freshly picked wares to sell. The price per kilo is chalked up on a board in the central tent and, like a stockmarket, fluctuates according to supply and demand.

Issued coins

1999: 16.090.000 2000: 8.680.000 2001: 29.132.000 2002: 1.386.000 2003: 9.080.000 2004: 9.029.000 2005: 8.800.000 2006: 8.500.000 2007: 5.200.000 2008: 8.300.000 2009: 6.300.000 2010: 4.000.000 2011: 5.300.000 2012: 3.300.000 2013: 1.900.000 2014: 200.000 2015: 200.000 2016: No data 2017: No data 2018: No data 2019: No data 2020: No data 2021: No data 2022: No data 2023: No data 2024: No data 2025: No data