Details luxembourg 2009
  • Luxembourg 2009
  • ISSUE DATE : 01-01-2009
  • DESIGNER : George Stamatopoulos
  • DIAMETER : 25,75mm
  • WEIGHT : 8,5 grams
  • Back to country

Ten years of economic and monetary union (EMU) and the birth of the euro

Edited by tiko165
24-11-2014 the 19:28

The centre of the coin shows a stylised human figure whose left arm is prolonged by the euro symbol.

The initials ?? of the artist appear below the euro symbol.

The name(s) of the issuing country in the national language(s) appear(s) at the top, while the indication 1999-2009 and the acronym EMU translated into the national language(s) appear at the bottom.

The outer ring depicts the twelve stars of the European flag

Issued coins

2009: 1.400.000