Details sanmarino 2002
  • San Marino (2002 » 2016)
  • ISSUE DATE : 01-01-2002
  • DESIGNER : Frantisek Chochola
  • DIAMETER : 25,75mm
  • WEIGHT : 8,5 grams
  • Back to country

Third tower - Il Montale

Edited by tiko165
03-09-2016 the 14:28

The Montale is located on the smallest of Monte Titano's summits.

Unlike the other towers, this one is not open to the public.

It was constructed in the 14th century

Issued coins

2002: Wallet 2003: Wallet 2004: Wallet 2005: Wallet 2006: Wallet 2007: Wallet 2008: Wallet 2009: Wallet 2010: Wallet 2011: Wallet 2012: Wallet 2013: Wallet 2014: Wallet 2015: Wallet 2016: Wallet